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Blinds Pass Beach, Manasota Key
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Blinds Pass Beach (aka "Middle Beach") is a nice, tucked away beach located on Manasota Key, about 10 minutes south of Manasota Beach and 30 minutes north of Stumps. Weve gone here multiple times now and simply love it. It is another great beach for Sharks teeth, in fact, we found some of our biggest ones there, even bigger then we found at Nokomis. The greatest part about this beach is if you walk south maybe 500 feet from where the entrance walkway puts you on the beach, you are by yourself. Most people just get to the beach across the walkway and stop...NOT US! We walked down a bit and got priveleged with a little bit of shade, as well as our own beach essentially right in front of us.
Like I said, sharks teeth are definitely a great find here! As well as different rocks and shells. Even the sand itself is almost black with the amount of broken teeth/shells that have broken down and mixed with the sand (does make the sand VERY hot though). Snorkeling is not so much fun, unfortunately it is just too choppy/murky on the shoreline and the shore drops off quickly after a dozen feet or so. Still, a great place to relax and find some teeth> Oh...and the parking...yea...that's free here too, just get there early!

Blinds Pass Beach - May/June 2014
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